Friday, May 05, 2006

Why "Engage the Culture"?

Scripture outlines an offensive strategy for dealing with the culture where we are to attack the false values of the world with the truth. Proverbs 21:22 explains that, "The wise man attacks the city of the mighty, and tears down the stronghold in which they trust." Jesus told Peter and the other disciples that "the gates of Hell" would not be able to withstand the onslaught of His kingdom. He didn't tell them to defend the gates of heaven, He told them to attack the gates of Hell! Paul said that the weapons of our warfare are divinely powerful for the "destruction of fortresses."

By contrast, Christians adopted a defensive strategy when communicating their values to a lost world.

My hope is that God will work through me and the work I do, whether it is encouraging believers through The World's Greatest Stories, or providing tools for Christians that are relevant to todays world through books like Ecclesiastes, or through my work as an actor/narrator/spokesman in New York City.

This blog is here to keep you updated on my work, and to encourage you in the work you do, no matter what it is!

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