Thursday, December 20, 2007


As many of you know, I was the St in ChristMiVeSt this past weekend! The shows all went well. This year we got to perform with each other! Judy Buch (the Ve) and I performed an old German folk tale about a clockmaker, Dan (the Mi) and I performed "The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde (a wonderful, sweet story) and Dan and Judy performed a hilarious piece called "Daisy and the Mime" where Daisy, one of Judy's characters, doesn't understand why Dan doesn't talk or use props!

Then we all performed an original story that Dan wrote called "Christmas and the Dragon".

I performed "The Frankincense Monster" by Jim Krueger again, as well as "The Real Story of Christmas".

At the end of the first half, Dan had a special tribute to the men and women serving in our Armed Forces overseas. He then asked if everyone would come downstairs to write a note and say a prayer (tying a knot in a blanket for each one) for several soldiers stationed overseas.

He sent this email, from the group that is sending the notes and prayer blankets to those men.

Dear Friends -

God works in not so mysterious ways. Take soldiers serving their country, talented Christian artists, and prayer blankets - put them all together and you get the work of the Lord!

What a wonderful success this weekend was! CHRISTMIVEST was a wonderful show with plenty of laughs, captivating stories told by a mime, and wonderful classics told by a storyteller. It all started with an attempt to peek at Christmas gifts (and who of hasn't tried that?) to ending with a single voice telling quietly but boldly the true story of Christmas.

But right in the middle, a tribute was made to the men and women serving our country. Serious, painful, graphic and realistic. But did our hearts swell with pride for our servicemen! It made us reflect a bit in the midst of the fun. We were then able to assemble around a prayer blanket to pray for a soldier. And note paper was available for letters of prayer and encouragement to go with the blankets.

We were able to knot and pray a blanket at each show. And we got lots and lots of notes to go with each blanket. We prayed for Jean-Claude, Brian and Jason.

Thank you to Dan, Judy and George for a wonderful show CHRISTMIVEST (Christ first, then mime, ventriloquism and st orytelling). Thank you for inviting the Prayer Blanket Ministry to be a part of it. Thank you Jesus for continuing to work through us. And thank you Jean-Claude, Brian, Jason and all other servicemen for all that you do every hour of every day of every year.

Merry Christmas!


God bless you all, and have a very Merry Christmas this year!

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