Monday, June 16, 2008

My Talks On CD

Well, it's been a while since I've updated this! I'm sorry, life has been busy! From a wonderful dinner we held in New York for Mastermedia/New York to the Harvey Cedars conference, God has been doing great things, and I'm glad I can be part of it!

I wanted to let you know that I recently got 5 of my talks onto CD, and they are available for purchase on my website!

I give each of these talks at conferences all over the US. They are available for $4.95 each at this point.

The Five are as follows.

Impacting the Culture, Changing the World
The Two Most Important Things a Father Can Do
Bringing Scripture to Life Through Storytelling
Homeschooling as a Team Effort - The Father's Role
Waiting on the Lord for a Life Partner

There are short clips with each one, so you can hear a bit of what they are about.

I'll try to post more soon!

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